Sunday, July 4, 2010

Just Thinking

"Indeed, great managers/ leaders touch lives, bring their people to lofty heights."

One of my friends posted this status on her facebook account. I saw it just when I was so pissed off with somebody who was asking me to do something which goes against what I believe in.

It would have been better if she asked me to jump off a tree. I really might have just done that. But what she wanted me to do was to ask peoples some information which might even be deemed confidential at that time. Furthermore, she asked me to pay them off.

OMG! I never expected to be asked to do such things. I do not want people whom I consider as good friends to sacrifice an iota of their dignity just to give something I want. I do not want our relationship to be placed in jeopardy.

Now, it got me thinking and really think hard about that quotation.

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